Nursing Home Design Guide
an individual who prefers solitude
Speech therapy
Computer use or interactive learning
about particular devices with options
for video or DVD training
Use of program or features by
memory or cognitively impaired
3. Equipment Storage
Provide at-hand storage for large and
small items including equipment and
parts for adaptable, heavier, rigid
equipment. (See Figures 3.42 and
Figure 3.43
Therapy Equipment Storage
NY State Veterans' Home at Montrose, NY.
4. Service Spaces
Portable water, clean linen and related
clean therapy supplies; soiled linen and
equipment facilities; and janitorial
facilities should all be available.
3.7.4 Interior Consideration
1. Sensory Functions
The design should address the
Non-glare lighting (see IESNA, 1998,
Figure 3.42
Noise abatement
Textural variety
Therapy Equipment Storage
Secure floor material.
Waveny Health Care, New Canaan, CT.
3.7.5 Systems Considerations
3.7.6 Miscellaneous
1. Identifying Equipment
Supplement passive pieces of
equipment such as mat table, parallel
Office of Facilities Management
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