Nursing Home Design Guide
5. Seismic (implications)
Where required, earthquake resistant
design should be used for HVAC
1. Operation
systems in accordance with current
codes and standards.
HVAC systems should be provided to
heat, cool and ventilate individual rooms
6. Noise Level
or areas as required to satisfy design
HVAC equipment and ductwork should
provide resulting sound levels not to
2. Capacities
exceed 45 maximum NC levels in dining
areas, 40 maximum NC levels in
Supply air volume should be established
toilet/shower rooms, and 35 maximum
to meet the cooling load requirements of
NC levels in all other occupied spaces.
the occupied space. The supply volume
should be modified to meet minimum air
1.3.5 Plumbing
change requirements or to maintain
1. Water and Waste Systems
room exhaust requirements.
Plumbing service should be extended to
3. Air Quality and Distribution
the facility to serve the domestic hot and
cold and fire protection systems.
Typically, clean areas such as clean
utility should have positive air pressure
The Nursing Home facility's cold water
and soiled areas such as soiled utility,
should be piped to all required plumbing
toilet/shower rooms and storage rooms
fixtures and equipment. Hot water
should have negative air pressure with
should be piped to all required plumbing
respect to adjoining areas.
fixtures and equipment. A hot-water
recirculation system should be provided.
Corridors should not be used to supply
or to exhaust/return air from rooms.
Plumbing fixture types and flow
Corridor air may be used to ventilate
toilets, housekeeping closets and small
the most current version of the National
electrical or telephone closets opening
Standard Plumbing Code (NSPC).
directly on corridors.
Plumbing fixtures should comply with
the most current version of ADA.
HVAC design should minimize the short
circuiting of air between supply and
The facility's plumbing system should be
exhaust vents in rooms or areas.
drained by gravity through soil, waste
4. Exhaust System
and vent stacks. Medical waste should
be drained through corrosion resistant
Exhaust systems should be designed to
piping into either a local or centralized
provide exhaust air to spaces to control
acid dilution tank.
the transfer of odors and provide proper
2. Medical Gas Systems
pressurization should be provided to
The Nursing Home facility may be
match requirements for specific rooms
designed to accommodate either in-wall
or areas as specified in facility design.
medical gases or portable equipment.
Office of Facilities Management