Nursing Home Design Guide
6. Environmental and Maintenance
Services provide for the upkeep and
protection of the facility and include
housekeeping, maintenance/
engineering and security. The level of
1.2.1 Operations: Services
services provided depends on systems
The Nursing Home is divided into the
and the availability of contract services
following functional areas:
or those available from a host
1. Resident Care Units are organized
into four sub-areas including bedrooms
1.2.2 Operations: Concepts
for the resident rooms and adjoining
toilet/shower rooms, staff areas required
The Nursing Home is organized around
to provide clinical support to operate the
the following concepts:
resident unit, resident areas for activities
and dining, and unit support for utility,
1. Resident Care should be provided in
office and miscellaneous functions used
spaces that are flexible enough to
to assist staff in managing resident
accommodate changing resident care
needs. The spaces represented in the
guide plates provide flexibility for future
2. Therapeutic Services offer space
adjacent to resident care units for the
therapies such as physical therapy,
Resident care areas and other areas
occupational therapy and pharmacy.
where staff interact with residents may
require additional acoustical treatment
3. Resident Support Services provide
to reinforce resident privacy.
for the resident amenities and social
services such as chapel/meditation,
2. Level of Care may vary in terms of
barber/beauty shop, and resident
levels of impairment and skilled care
needs. Specific rooms and their interior
design need to be coordinated with the
4. Administrative Services provide a
expected level of care to be delivered.
variety of management and public
The size of resident units and individual
functions: admissions/registration,
spaces need to reflect level of care.
lobby, medical records, and
management offices.
3. Market Sensitivity should be
considered in the delivery of Nursing
5. Logistical Services provide for the
Home care services. In terms of
supply needs of the facility and include
amenities and service, Nursing Home
receiving/loading, bulk stores, laundry
facilities used by veterans need to be
and food preparation. The level of
designed comparatively with private
services provided depends on the
sector facilities and programs.
building systems and the availability of
contract services or those available from
Nursing Home facilities need to be user-
a host organization such as a medical
friendly for both the veteran and his or
her family and staff.
Office of Facilities Management