June 99
C. Function:
Functional requirements dictate maintainable
colors, textures, patterns, material selections,
combination of materials and installation
techniques. Materials must be chosen for
longevity and good appearance retention.
A working knowledge of the properties of all
materials is a necessary tool. This includes the
installation procedure, and the forgiveness of the
materials as installed in a lower bidder situation,
the replacement and/or patching qualities of the
material. New materials that contain different
maintenance procedures and/or training for
required patching are to be presented and
approved as suitable.
D. Costs:
As stewards of public monies, every design and
cost-savings. Information on first term vs. life
cycle cost, for applicable items, needs to be
presented in order that an informed judgment can
be made. Design and/or materials that impart
dollars wisely spent are to be pursued while
avoiding opulence or the illusion thereof.
Passive cost savings is also recognized as
working smart, producing favorable contractual
procurement and leaving the client with a good
value as towards future replacement. Examples
planning that produces variety. Other design
systems that follow the above practices and offer
saving are encouraged.
Program Guide PG-18-14, Room Finishes to be
used as a guideline for intent but not a final
Colors, patterns and designs that transcend time
are endorsed. Trendy colors and patterns are to
be avoided.
VA Design Guide -- National Cemetery Administration
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