June 99
A loading dock will be considered on a project by project basis. The
preferred solution will utilize the natural topography to facilitate off-loading
tractor trailers.
Vehicle/Equipment Lift
Requirements for a hydraulic lift must be coordinated for each project
to suit the size and weights of the equipment. The preferred equipment is
a surface mounted 4-post drive-on lift, with a rolling jack. Adequate
clearances must be provided on all sides of the lift.
Vehicle Wash Area
Provide floor drains and hose bibbs at the wash rack, as appropriate,
so that dirt and mud can be washed off vehicles and equipment after use.
NCA prefers to use self contained washwater recycling systems. These
are available on Federal Supply Schedule for purchase and installation by
the contractor.
Pesticide Storage and Mixing/Loading Area
Design a storage and mixing area in accordance with authorities
having jurisdiction (EPA, state, etc.). At a minimum, storage areas will
have chemical resistant coated surfaces and secondary containment
area. Also, provide dust and explosion proof lighting, positive ventilation,
appropriate signage, and an eye wash/emergency shower.
Site Elements/Features
Utility Distribution System
In addition to the Electrical and Telecommunications Service required
by the cemetery, ADP requirements will include one 56 k digital circuit.
the need for conduit or direct burial will be determined on a project by
project basis. However, spare conduits will be installed between buildings
to accommodate future, unknown needs.
Route the main distribution systems for utilities immediately adjacent
to roadways within 3000 mm (10') of the curb or pavement edge. Route
any utility lines through interment areas between sections, in order to
avoid obstruction of gravesites within burial sections. Install all utility lines,
including electric power and communication lines, underground.
Exceptions may be made depending upon excessive cost or remoteness
of source from developed areas of the cemetery.
VA Design Guide -- National Cemetery Administration
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