Certain modular casework units are
The optional use of disposable and
provided with a utility access module that
reusable products should be considered.
houses communication outlets and
4. Soiled Linen
provides a chase for cabling. Conduits
and junction boxes are provided to
connect to the utility access module for
Soiled reusable linens are generated in
ADP service.
exam rooms, treatment spaces, and
patient and staff gowning areas. They
3. Public Address
are collected in carts or hampers
(depending on volume) in the soiled utility
rooms; or they are bagged and
The MRI department will not have an
transported to (a) central collection
independent public address (PA) system.
area(s) via soiled linen chutes or carts.
The department will be included as part
of the hospital-wide PA system.
Disposable linens are included with either
Speakers are typically located in
general recyclable waste or medical
corridors and public spaces. The actual
waste as appropriate.
system configuration will depend on the
overall design layout and the functional
5. Utensils
Reusable utensils include bed pans,
I. Waste Management
urinals, emesis basins and other
stainless steel items, which are used in
1. Medical Waste
exam and treatment areas. Then they
are transported to the soiled utility room
Medical waste is generated in exam and
where they are reprocessed (if steam
treatment spaces where it is bagged,
washers are available) or collected for
collected, and transported to the soiled
reprocessing and transported to the
utility rooms. Then it is held in separate
Sterile Processing Department.
containers pending transport to the
medical waste handling facility.
6. Space Requirements
2. General Waste
Space requirements will vary with the
selection of waste collection and
General Waste is generated in all spaces
and is held in containers for collection
requirements need to be analyzed for
and sorting into carts or it is bagged and
each optional method or system
placed in a waste chute and transported
considered for new and existing facilities.
to the waste handling facility.
3. Recycling
transporting and disposing of recyclable
products must be specifically analyzed
for each facility and location.
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