4. Film Processing
2. Capacities
Film processing requirements will vary for
The number of people and the air
each facility. Design criteria for "digital
conditioning load noted on the room
laser" and the integrated use of Picture
design standard sheet establishes a base
for the design guide and its use in
(PACS), will be as instructed by the
planning.The engineers/designers should
Contracting Officer.
verify the actual number of people and
the air conditioning load to agree with the
project requirements.
Similarly, engineers/designers should
verify equipment AC loads shown or per
1. Operation
actual equipment furnished on a project.
Air conditioning systems should be
The percent of outside air should be
provided to heat, cool and ventilate the
based on the space's total supply air
individual space, as required to satisfy
the VA design criteria. Follow TB Criteria
in the HVAC Design Manual for hospital
3. Air Quality and Distribution
Corridors should not be used to supply or
The air conditioning systems serving the
MRI area should be designed to operate
Corridor air may be used to ventilate
at full capacity which will be determined
toilet rooms, and small electrical or
by local conditions.
A dedicated
telephone closets opening directly on
computer-type AC unit should be
corridors. Exfiltration / infiltration from
considered to cool and heat the computer
positive/ negative pressure rooms
adjacent to a corridor should be
engineers/designers should verify the AC
considered in balancing air flow..
requirements with equipment supplier.
The transferred air should be more than
Client requirements must coordinate with
2.8m3/min (100cfm) per undercut door.
the final system.
Care should be taken to minimize the
All ductwork downstream of the radio
short-circuiting of air between supply and
return and or/exhaust openings in interior
ferrous type and should be equipped with
dedicated vent line located above the
The MRI Gantry Room shall be provided
magnet isocenter.
with duct-mounted temperature and
relative humidity sensors with remote
adjustment capability. The sensors shall
be located in the return air duct.
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