numbers. Any existing space dimension,
dimension is now established as the
no matter how awkward, can be developed
metric core.
as a series of clean, rounded metric
numbers, combined with one awkward
Equal Technique If both walls are
metric number.
to receive drywall facing, we can
use 92 studs and 16 GWB both sides,
Ex, if two existing walls are located
plus indicate an equal distance from
12 043 mm apart on a renovation
each existing wall to the metal
project, this could be laid out as:
stud, to create a total metric core
of 11800. The equal distance would
1400 + 3600 + 4200 + 1200 + one bad, or
be 13.5 mm equal on each side,
making 121.5 each side, times 2
equals 243, leaving 11800. The 13.5
This is ofcourse simplified, but it is
could be shown only as Equal on
a noble goal in renovation, and if the
majority of situations utilize this
technique, the awkward numbers can be
Soffit Technique In some
facilities, we utilize soffit
ceiling techniques to take up the
Off The Wall Technique In addition, if
awkward difference around the edge,
the first four dimensions above are
so we can utilize hard metric
such that the spaces can be laid out
ceilings. In our example, 18 metric
off one wall, the 1643 will not be
600 mm ceiling tiles, plus a 100 mm
used, although it will probably be
border, would give 11 m. An equal
checked initially to confirm overall
soffit space of 521.5 would work
nicely as a border, and would equal
our 12043 dimension.
Ex, 1400 + 3600 + 4200 + 1200 = 10400
The majority of dimensions involved
With this approach the layout work is
with renovation or new construction
all done in rounded metric units off
involve new dimensions. Ex, no one
one wall, and the 1643 is a floating
is reconstructing a bay spacing in
dimension. Layout is done to the
an existing building, since it
maximum of 10400 only, all with clean
already exists. The frequently
utilized dimensions in renovation
consist of dimensions which can be
Metric Core Technique With the same
stated in rounded, hard metric
example above, our space of 12043, we
dimensions to a large degree.
can use the metric core technique.
Architectural / Roofing
If either wall is to have stud and
drywall applied, we can take up the
Use m2 for areas, instead of the 2
slack to establish a hard metric core.
previous units.
If we use 92 mm metal studs, 16 GWB,
and move the stud 35 mm out from the
State membrane thickness in mm only.
existing wall, we establish a 143 mm
Lap widths should be even mm. (ex,
floating zone. A rounded, 11900
100, 150 mm)