Architectural / Landscaping
Most firms prefer one truckload as
the minimum order, which can
Products should be specified in rounded
generally include different
increments. We recommend the following,
wherever possible:
It generally takes 2-3 weeks for
Inches x 25 = mm (ex, 2 inch x 25 = 50
delivery. Costs will be comparable
to english sizes.
This should be used for description of
Projects using plywood should
existing landscaping, as well as new
specify metric sheets.
Thickness is the same to minimize
production impact. Standard are 12.7
and 19.05 mm, commonly given nominal
Most common sizes are 600 x 600 and 600
thicknesses on drawings (ex, 19 mm)
x 1200. Many firms say it is easier to
supply 600 x 600, since U tubes do not
While it may sound contrary to the
restrict housing sizes from being made
spirit of conversion, suppliers
slightly smaller.
indicated they should decide the
least costly way to supply metric
Architecural / Lumber
AFPA recommends the designations often
Many mills cut 4 x 8's to smaller
used in Canada. Products are not
sheets for furniture. They say 20-50
changed. This chart gives actual mm-
metric sheet orders could be cut
nominal inches.
locally from 4 x 8 to 1200 x 2400
(ex, 38 x 89 replaces 2 x 4)
for less than fabricating it and
shipping it from a major mill across
38-2 63-3
89-4 114-5
the country, until 1200 x 2400
140-6 165-7
184-8 210-9
becomes commonly available. We focus
on specifying stud spacing and allow
industry to innovate supply methods.
Our experience shows people use mm
Architectural / Renovation
dimensions in exact layout work only,
such as layout of cabinetry, but
Renovation is more difficult than
verbally they still use 2 x 6, 2 x 10,
new construction, metric or english.
The difficulty of metric renovation
Architectural / Plywood
can be minimized through use of the
Many firms often make metric plywood,
and others can make many grades,
Examples are simplifed to
thicknesses, and panel sizes.
demonstrate the principles.
One Bad Rule This technique can be
utilized to minimize awkward metric