SFO NO. V101-183R-xxx-xxx-xx
Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance
programs; and
The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations
occurring in the workplace;
Provide all employees engaged in performance of the contract with a copy of the
statement required by subparagraph (b)(1) of this clause;
Notify such employees in writing in the statement required by subparagraph (b)(1) of
this clause that, as a condition of continued employment on this contract, the employee
Abide by the terms of the statement; and
Notify the employer in writing of the employee's conviction under a criminal drug
statute for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than 5 days after such
Notify the Contracting Officer in writing within 10 days after receiving notice under
subdivision (b)(4)(ii) of this clause, from an employee or otherwise receiving actual
notice of such conviction. The notice shall include the position title of the employee;
Within 30 days after receiving notice under subdivision (b)(4)(ii) of this clause of a
conviction, take one of the following actions with respect to any employee who is
convicted of a drug abuse violation occurring in the workplace:
Taking appropriate personnel action against such employee, up to and including
termination; or
Require such employee to satisfactorily participate in a drug abuse assistance or
rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a Federal, State, or local
health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency; and
Make a good faith effort to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of
subparagraphs (b)(1) though (b)(6) of this clause.
The Contractor, if an individual, agrees by award of the contract or acceptance of a purchase
order, not to engage in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use
of a controlled substance while performing this contract.
In addition to other remedies available to the Government, the Contractor's failure to comply
with the requirements of paragraph (b) or (c) of this clause may, pursuant to FAR 23.506,
render the Contractor subject to suspension of contract payments, termination of the contract
for default, and suspension or debarment.
(Applies to leases which exceed 0,000.)
If the head of the contracting activity (HCA) or his or her designee determines that there was
a violation of subsection 27(a) of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act, as amended
(41 U.S.C. 423), as implemented in the Federal Acquisition Regulation, the Government, at
its election, may--
Reduce the monthly rental under this lease by 5 percent of the amount of the rental for
each month of the remaining term of the lease, including any option periods, and
recover 5 percent of the rental already paid;
Reduce payments for alterations not included in monthly rental payments by 5 percent
of the amount of the alterations agreement; or
Reduce the payments for violations by a Lessor's subcontractor by an amount not to
exceed the amount of profit or fee reflected in the subcontract at the time the
subcontract was placed.
Prior to making a determination as set forth above, the HCA or designee shall provide to the
Lessor a written notice of the action being considered and the basis therefor. The Lessor shall
have a period determined by the agency head or designee, but not less than 30 calendar
days after receipt of such notice, to submit in person, in writing, or through a representative,
information and argument in opposition to the proposed reduction. The agency head or
Part IX Forms
Lessor __________ Gov't. __________
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