JULY 2005
SFO NO. V101-183R-xxx-xxx-xx
If the Lessor is a corporation, the lease must be signed with the corporate name, followed by the signature and title of the
officer or other person signing the lease on its behalf, duly attested, and, if requested by the Government, evidence of
this authority so to act shall be furnished.
(Applies to leases which exceed 0,000 average net annual rental, including option periods.)
Protests, as defined in section 33.101 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation, that are filed directly with an agency, and
copies of any protests that are filed with the General Accounting Office (GAO), shall be served on the Contracting Officer
by obtaining written and dated acknowledgment of receipt from the Contracting Officer at the address shown elsewhere in
this solicitation.
The copy of any protest shall be received in the office designated above within one day of filing a protest with the GAO.
(Applies to leases which exceed 0,000 average net annual rental, including option periods.)
The following definitions apply in this provision:
"Agency Protest Official for GSA" means the official in the Office of Acquisition Policy designated to review and decide
procurement protests filed with GSA.
"Deciding official" means the person chosen by the protester to decide the agency protest.
The deciding official may be either
the Contracting Officer or the Agency Protest Official.
The filing time frames in FAR 33.103(e) apply. An agency protest is filed when the protest complaint is received at
the location the solicitation designates for serving protests. GSA's hours of operation are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Protests
delivered after 4:30 p.m. will be considered received and filed the following business day.
A protest filed directly with the General Services Administration (GSA) must:
Indicate that it is a protest to the agency.
Be filed with the Contracting Officer.
State whether the protester chooses to have the Contracting Officer or the Agency Protest Official for GSA decide
the protest. If the protest is silent on this matter, the Contracting Officer will decide the protest.
Indicate whether the protester prefers to make an oral presentation, a written presentation, or an oral presentation
confirmed in writing, of arguments in support of the protest to the deciding official.
Include the information required by FAR 33.103(d)(2):
Name, address, fax number, and telephone number of the protester.
Solicitation or contract number.
Detailed statement of the legal and factual grounds for the protest, to include a description of resulting
prejudice to the protester.
Copies of relevant documents.
Request for a ruling by the agency.
Statement as to the form of relief requested.
All information establishing that the protester is an interested party for the purpose of filing a protest.
All information establishing the timeliness of the protest (see paragraph (b) of this provision).
An interested party filing a protest with GSA has the choice of requesting either that the Contracting Officer or the
Agency Protest Official for GSA decide the protest.
The decision by the Agency Protest Official for GSA is an alternative to a decision by the Contracting Officer. The
Agency Protest Official for GSA will not consider appeals from the Contracting Officer's decision on an agency protest.
The deciding official must conduct a scheduling conference with the protester within three (3) days after the
protest is filed. The scheduling conference will establish deadlines for oral or written arguments in support of the agency protest
and for agency officials to present information in response to the protest issues.
The deciding official may hear oral
Part IX Forms
Lessor __________ Gov't. __________
__________ of __________ Pages
GSA FORM 3516A PAGE 4 (REV 12/03)