JULY 2005
SFO NO. V101-183R-xxx-xxx-xx
[INSERT LOCATION OF FACILITY] Waiting, Lounge, and Lobby Areas:
Provide safety type receptacles, minimum one every eight linear feet. Illuminated Emergency Receptacles:
Emergency electrical receptacles shall be of the self-illuminated type when located in rooms where none of
the general lighting fixtures are on emergency power. Corridors:
Provide receptacles on a dedicated circuit for cleaning machines. The receptacles shall be no more than
75 feet apart. Offices and Administrative Areas:
Provide receptacles with spacing not to exceed 10 linear feet as measured around the floor line, excluding
doorways. All linear wall space 5 feet and longer shall have at least one receptacle. A 120-volt quadruple
receptacle or two receptacles shall be provided for each secretarial and clerical desk. TV Power Receptacles:
Provide a receptacle in conjunction with each TV receiver receptacle. Electrical Closets:
Provide a receptacle with its centerline located 40 inches above the finished floor adjacent to the room
door. Telecommunication Closets:
Provide a quadruple receptacle with its centerline located 18 inches above the finished floor at the center
of rear wall below plywood backboard. Provide a quadruple receptacle with its centerline located 40
inches above the floor near a wall corner. Ground Fault Interrupter Receptacles:
Ground fault interrupter type receptacles shall be installed where required by NFPA 70 (National Electrical
Code). Also provide GFI receptacles at all lavatory-mirror locations in patient bedrooms and toilets and for
all receptacles within 3 feet of a sink or lavatory. Provide GFI receptacles for all exterior locations. Emergency Power Receptacles:
The bodies of all receptacles connected to an emergency circuit shall be red in color. Wall plates for these
receptacles shall also be red with the word "emergency" engraved in 1/4-inch white letters on the plate. Kitchens:
Provide a separate locking type attachment plug and receptacle for each piece of equipment.
Grounding: Provide an equipment-grounding conductor with each circuit.
Editing Note: Type 3 system is required as a minimum
for all clinics, but additional requirements of this
solicitation may expand the scope and size of the
emergency electrical system in addition to the Type 3
Part I: Basic Solicitation Requirements Page 118 of 169
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