Cost and Time Analysis: First Cost
The use of service containers or service walls and surface mounted
wireways in the functional zone will increase first costs, but again ease of
installation should eliminate the extra cost overall.
The target figures do not reflect the cost of the console casings which
could average about 0 per unit excluding wiring and plumbing.
Dynamic grounding for techniques such as fibrilation would add about
,000 per installation to the total electrical costs.
Increased Floor-to-Floor Height
To account for the increased total cost of building construction due to the
greater floor-to-floor height required by the Building System Prototype
Design, an estimate of the additional cost of the extension of all vertical
elements passing through the service zone has been made on the basis of
an assumed increase of five feet over conventional design and
construction. The figures are tabulated below in dollars per outside gross
square foot.
Additional Cost
Shear walls
Exterior wall
Electrical risers
Lighting in service zone
General contractor
Total five-foot increase:
What this means is that increasing the floor-to-floor height of a hospital by
five feet increases the overall cost of construction by .43 per square
foot. This is best compared to the basic construction cost in terms of
cubage. It the basic construction cost of .60 is distributed over a
typical twelve-foot floor-to-floor height, the cost of space is .05 per cubic
foot. But the cost of the additional service zone space is one-fifth of
.43, or $.49 per cubic foot. Thus, the additional space and all its
benefits can be purchased for about 12% of the basic construction cost.
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