Detailed Needs and Requirements: Teaching
c. Intern/resident nurse - 1
d. Practical nurse - 4
e. Nursing assistant - 6
3. Psychiatry
a. Resident/intern - 2
b. Medical student - 1
4. Psychology
a. Psychology student (M.S. or Ph.D.) - 1
5. Social Work Service
a. Social work student - 1
b. Social work assistant - 1
6. Surgical Service
a. Resident/intern - 2 to 4
b. Medical student - 6
Activities of the various trainees may include individual study, individual or
group instruction and discussion, observation and/or participation in
patient care and diagnostic activities, laboratory work, and/or trainee
research. The facilities required for each trainee category depend on the
nature of their involvement with these activities. All trainees will be
involved in group instruction or discussion and classroom facilities should
be provided in conjunction with those units to which trainees may be
assigned. The following trainees require additional facilities as noted.
Space Requirements
1. Residents and Interns. Residents and interns assume a major
responsibility for patient care in all of the units under consideration.
They should be also provided with offices on the unit and should also
have access to laboratory facilities on or adjacent to the unit.
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