Structure: Dimensions
In the space modules, a range of building widths from 45'0" to 117'0" is
provided by using the five spans and the one cantilever in the three ways
illustrated in the following diagram. Only twelve of fifteen possible
combinations are used; two are not included because they offer no
additional planning possibilities and one - 58'6" single span - is not used
because it is considered to be excessively long for a single span.
In the support areas of the hospital, any number and combination of
spans, with or without one or two cantilevers, may be used to provide a
greater range of building widths in 4'6" increments. (See Table 220-2.) All
columns must be continuous down to the foundation.
The structural members must be designed to support the loads described
in Section 314. The dimensions given define a dimensional envelope
within which any particular structural design can be accommodated. The
dimensional envelope is defined to expedite preliminary design and
facilitate precoordination with other integrated subsystems.
The layout of the patient rooms and sanitary zones shown in Section 230
are based on a maximum column size of 32" x 36".
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