these regulations and for which, therefore, neither an environmental
assessment (see subpar. (c), infra) nor an environmental impact statement
is required." CEQ Regulations, 40 CFR 1508.4.
(1) Typical Classes of Action Which Normally Do Not Require Either an
Environmental Impact Statement or an Environmental Assessment:
(i) Repair, replacement, and new installation of primary or
secondary electrical distribution systems;
(ii) Repair, replacement, and new installation of components such as
windows, doors, roofs; and site elements such as sidewalks, patios,
fences, retaining walls, curbs, water distribution lines, and sewer
lines which involve work totally within VA property boundaries;
(iii) Routine VA grounds and facility maintenance activities;
(iv) Procurement activities for goods and services for routing
facility operations maintenance and support;
(v) Interior construction or renovation;
(vi) New construction of 7,000 m2 (75,000 gross square feet) or
(vii) Development of 8 hectares (20 acres) of land or less within an
existing cemetery, or development on acquired land of 2 hectares (5
acres) or less;
(viii) Actions which involve support or ancillary appurtenances for
normal operation;
(ix) Leases, licenses, permits, and easements;
(x) Reduction in force resulting from workload adjustments, reduced
personnel or funding levels, skill imbalances or other similar
(xi) VA policies, actions and studies which do not significantly
affect the quality of the human environment;
(xii) Preparation of regulations, directives, manuals, or other
guidance that implement, but do not substantially change, the
regulations, directives, manuals, or other guidance of higher
(xiii) Actions, activities, or programs that do not require
expenditure of Federal funds.
(2) Specific Criteria for Typical Classes of Action Which Normally Do
Not Require Either an Environmental Impact Statement or an
Environmental Assessment
(i) Minimal or no effect on the environment;
(iii) No significant cumulative environmental impact; and,
(iv) Similarity to actions previously assessed with a finding of no
significant impact.
(3) Extraordinary Circumstances That Must Be Considered by a VA Element
Before Categorically Excluding a Particular Agency Action
(i) Greater scope or size than normally experienced for a particular
categorical exclusion;
(ii) Actions in highly populated or congested areas;
(iii) Potential for degradation, although slight, of existing poor