environmental policies. Specifically, VA shall ensure that all practical
means and measures are used to protect, restore, and] enhance the quality
of the [human] environment; to avoid or minimize adverse environmental
consequences consistent with other national policy considerations; and
to attain the following objectives:
(1) Achieve the fullest possible use of the environment, without
degradation, or undesirable and unintended consequences;
(2) Preserve historical, cultural, and natural aspects of our national
heritage, while maintaining, where possible, an environment that
supports diversity and variety of individual choice;
(3) Achieve a balance between the use and development of resources,
within the sustained capacity of the ecological system involved; and,
(4) Enhance the quality of renewable resources while working toward the
maximum attainable recycling of nonrenewable resources.
(b) VA elements shall:
(1) Interpret and administer the policies, regulations, and public laws
of the United States in accordance with the policies set forth in the
NEPA and CEQ Regulations;
(2) Prepare concise and clear environmental documents that shall be
supported by documented environmental analyses;
(3) Integrate the requirements of NEPA with agency planning and decision
making procedures;
(4) Encourage and facilitate involvement by affected agencies,
organizations, interest groups and the public in decisions which affect
the quality of the human environment; and,
(5) Consider alternatives to the proposed actions that are encompassed
by the range of alternatives discussed in relevant environmental
documents, and described in the environmental impact statement.
26.5 Responsibilities.
(a) The Director of the Office of Environmental Affairs shall:
(1) Be responsible to coordinate and provide guidance to VA elements on
all environmental matters;
(2) Assist in the preparation of environmental documents by VA elements;
and, where more than one VA element, or Federal, State, or local agency
is involved, assign the lead VA element or propose the lead Federal,
State, or local agency to prepare the environmental documents;
(3) Recommend appropriate actions to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs
on those environmental matters for which the Secretary of Veterans
Affairs has final approval authority;
(4) Assist in resolution of disputes concerning environmental matters
within VA, and among VA and other Federal, State, and local agencies;
(5) Coordinate preparation of VA comments on draft and final
environmental impact statements of other agencies;
(6) Serve as VA's principal liaison to the CEQ, the Environmental
Protection Agency, the Office of Management and Budget, and other
Federal, State, and local agencies on VA environmental actions; and
(7) Prepare appropriate supplemental guidance on implementation of these