Acceptable dimensions for 90 degrees parking angle are as follows:
Minimum Bay Width
Minimum Stall Width
If cars overhang curbs on
18 000 mm (60'-0")
2550 mm (8'-6")
both sides
17 700 mm (59'-0")
2625 mm (8'-9")
17 400 mm (58'-0")
2700 mm (9'-0")
If cars overhang curbs on
18 800 mm (62'-6")
2550 mm (8'-6")
one side
18 500 mm (61'-6")
2625 mm (8'-9")
18 200 mm (60'-6")
2700 mm (9'-0")
If cars will not overhang
19 500 mm (65'-0")
2550 mm (8'-6")
either curb or will be
19 200 mm (64'-0")
2625 mm (8'-9")
parked in the center bumper
18 900 mm (63'-0")
2700 mm (9'-0")
to bumper
Parking at angles other than 90 degrees may be used only when
justifiable. Written request shall be submitted to Contracting
Officer for deviation.
Design parking facilities to accommodate people with disabilities.
The required minimum number of accessible parking spaces shall
comply with Article 2, para. 2.4 and Article 4.
Project Statement of Task that require a new parking structure
shall include automated paid parking gates for all surface parking
lots (existing and new) and existing parking structures. For
projects not requiring a new parking structure, provide gates
accommodations for future installation in new surface parking
Locate the bulk oxygen storage pad, preferably, adjacent to the
service area, easily accessible to trucks, and well screened. The
location shall comply with the local safety codes and NFPA
Standard Nos. 50 and 99. Construct the oxygen storage and
delivery vehicular parking area of reinforced concrete. Enclose
the storage area with a chain link fence and gate.
Locate transformers, cooling towers, generators, gaseous tank
storage and other equipment pads in accordance with VA
requirements. To prevent injury to patients and personnel,
enclose pad area with chain link fencing.
General: Integrate the landscape planting design with the overall
design of the site. The landscape planting shall compliment the
architecture, preserve designated site features, facilitate
vehicular and pedestrian access, create open areas and vegetative
screens, and consist of plant material that promotes sustainable
Enhance established design and historical character of existing
buildings and landscapes. The design should be an outgrowth of