2. The secondary warning location shall be supervised 24 hours a day.
Suitable secondary warning locations may include intensive care
nursing unit, fire station, telephone switchboard, and security
3. Coordinate both master alarm panel locations with the user
facility and the other design services. When deciding upon alarm
locations, consider emergency power circuits, Engineering Control
Center data relay interface locations, and the facility's
established procedures for monitoring alarm signals. Provide the
following on plumbing drawings:
alarm signals and panels (on floor plans).
b. Low voltage wiring diagram associated with master alarm signals
and panels.
c. Tubing runs and/or communication cable from the sensor location
to area alarm panels (on floor plans and medical gas and vacuum
system diagrams).
B. Include an area alarm for each system at the nurses station in all
areas where medical gas and vacuum station outlets and inlets are
12.1 Provide diagrams for the following systems installed within the
buildings: Soil, waste and vent; cold water; hot water; hot water
return; oxygen; oxygen alarms; fuel gas; and storm water systems.
story heights, size of all horizontal and vertical piping, fixture
numbers being served, and means of connection between fixtures and the
stacks and mains. Show each system complete and continuous.
A. Earthquake-resistive design shall comply with the requirements of
Structural Resistive Design"; the latest edition of "Seismic Design
Requirements:; and the Uniform Building Code (UBC) published by
International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO).
B. Equipment and piping shall be braced in accordance with the most
current edition of Seismic Restraint Manual Guidelines for Mechanical
Systems (SMACNA) and National Uniform Seismic Installation Guidelines