so, describe additional requirements in the specifications. Suitable
water quality for no treatment is:
pH - 7.0 minimum
Total Dissolved Solids - 200 mg/L maximum
B. Establish water pressure at the pump and compressor locations to
determine if booster water pumps are necessary. If pressure is less
than 345 kPa (50 psi), the pump or compressor may not perform
adequately. Investigate several manufacturers' requirements to
maintain competition and to reduce the incidence of change orders.
11.4 In renovation projects, survey the medical center to ascertain the
type of existing medical gas station outlets and medical vacuum
terminal inlets. The master specification requires that new outlets
and inlets match the existing terminal connections. In the case where
existing station outlets or terminal inlets are not U.L. approved, or
not gas specific as defined in NFPA 99, the contract specification
must be left open for competitive bids on new outlets and inlets. This
may require the medical center to reterminate the connectors on
existing medical devices and equipment which normally connect to the
existing outlets and inlets.
11.5 Central Supply Systems:
A. Design medical gas and vacuum systems to deliver the following
pressures at the points of use:
1. Oxygen and medical air: 345 kPa (50 psi).
2. Medical vacuum: 50 kPa (15 inches Hg).
B. Size medical compressed air system to provide 690 kPa (100 psi)
discharge from compressor to dryers.
C. Size medical vacuum system load using the NFPA 99 method; increase
the load by 25 percent to accommodate future system expansion.
Include waste anesthetic gas disposal system terminal inlets and
piping in appropriate projects; connect to the medical vacuum system
above the corridor ceiling after the valve box. Check to see if an
anesthetic and respiratory analysis system (such as SARA) is to be
included in the project, and if so, provide two 25 mm (one inch)
conduits from each ceiling column assembly to above corridor ceiling.
D. Place a source shut-off valve for each medical gas and vacuum system
at the immediate outlet (or inlet, in the case of vacuum) of the