3. All duct smoke detectors and dampers must be shown on the
mechanical schematic control diagrams and mechanical floor plans.
The following HVAC sub-systems shall be included in the design of the
mechanical systems as required:
A. COMPUTER ROOM: The computer room shall have a dedicated, standalone,
100% recirculatory package AC units specifically designed for the
application. The computer room AC units shall primarily remove the
space internal sensible heat gain generated by the electronic
equipment; the additional sensible (and latent) heat gain due to
light load, fenestration, occupancy, and outdoor air shall be removed
by an environmental AC unit. The additional design features are:
1. For equipment cooling load larger than 17 kW (5.0 tons) of
refrigeration, provide two units of 110% capacity each i.e. one
unit will satisfy 100% equipment load plus 10% spare capacity and
the other will provide 110% backup.
2. While the capacity of the equipment cooling units shall be
selected on the basis of the actual heat rejected by the
equipment, the following shall serve as the quick estimate.
17 kW (1 Ton) = 9.3 m2 (100 Sq. Ft.) (For Regional
17 kW (1 Ton) = 6.0 m2 (65 Sq. Ft.) (For Sector Site
Computer Room)
3. Except the sprinkler lines, passage of any piping (chilled water
lines or plumbing piping) is not permitted through the computer
4. Under each computer room unit, a zone type water detector shall be
provided to detect any water leak. The detector shall be wired to
a central annunciator panel in the computer room.
B. TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT ROOM: To cool the telephone equipment, a
dedicated, standalone, back-up HVAC unit shall be provided with the
building HVAC system acting as the primary source of cooling. The
additional features are:
1. To ensure an easy start in mild weather, an air cooled direct
expansion (or chilled water system) is preferred.
2. While sizing the system capacity, an estimate of 100 telephone
lines = 1318 W (4,500 BTUH) shall be used.
3. To maintain the design space humidity, if the building steam is
not available, use of a portable humidifier should be considered.