Design steam and condensate piping with loops, bends and offsets to
allow for thermal expansion and keep stresses within the allowable limits of
the piping material. Avoid using expansion joints or ball joints, if
possible. Provide roller-type
pipe supports where significant horizontal pipe
movement will occur due to thermal expansion and spring-type supports where
significant vertical movement will occur. The minimum pipe size shall be 25.mm (1-inch) in horizontal runs and
20 mm (3/4-inch) in vertical runs; make any pipe size reduction necessary at
the equipment. Long horizontal pipelines shall not be run at the floor.
Wherever possible, provide up feed connections through the floor to the
equipment. For large
steam service,
such as the
low pressure system for
absorbers, provide small globe type warm-up valve, located for convenient
operation, to by-pass the main shut-off valve. By-pass valves shall be shown
and specified for gate valves 102 mm (4 inches) and larger in steam lines.
2.9.6 STEAM GUN SET A steam gun set (steam, water, detergent) shall be provided in the
following areas per VA Standard Detail 15705-21.
(a) Trash room or trash compaction room
(b) Manual cart wash, Dietetics
(c) Manual cart wash, Supply, Processing & Distribution (SPD)
2.9.7 STEAM TRAPS Steam traps on domestic hot water heaters,
heating coils
and other
steam equipment utilizing modulating control valves shall be closed float-
steam supply pressure. Trap capacities shall be calculated and shown on the
drawings in pounds per hour at one-quarter psig pressure differential across
the trap provided the inlet of the traps are 12 inches below the condensate
outlet of the equipment. The allowable pressure drop across the trap may be
increased if the trap leg is allowed to increase. Steam traps shall be sized
based on the maximum condensing rate of the equipment they serve times a
safety factor of 1-1/2 or 2. Consult the manufacturers of steam traps. Steam traps on steam line drip points shall be inverted bucket type,
with bi-metallic thermal element for air removal, with working pressure range
suitable for the maximum line pressure. Trap capacities shall be shown on the
drawings in pounds per hour at a specified pressure differential across the
trap as follows:
(a) For steam lines that will be in operation continuously, with infrequent
shut downs, drip traps shall be sized for the line radiation loss, in pounds
per hour, times three. The trap pressure differential shall be about 80
(b) For steam lines subjected to frequent warm-up, the trap capacity shall be
the amount of steam condensed when the line is warmed up to operating