A separate circuit for the hoistway lights.
Each hydraulic elevator shall be provided with a separate
circuit for the scavenger pump in the pit.
fixtures in the elevator hoistway. The lights are to be
stacked vertically in a back corner wall for a single
elevator or on the back wall between the divider beams of
a duplex or triplex installation. The extreme top and
bottom fluorescents are to be mounted horizontally to
illuminate the pit area when the car is at the bottom
landing and the car top when the car is at the top
landing. A three way light switch is to be provided at
the top of the pit ladder and five foot above the top
terminal landing at the inside front wall near the hall
button box.
The VA and National Building Codes requires that all elevator
hoistways be vented to prevent accumulation of hot gases and smoke
inside the hoistway. This requirement includes non-personnel
elevators if equipped with the means for top of car operation by
service personnel.
The required vent shall be controlled by a motorized
louver which
is powered closed. This louver shall open upon loss
of electrical
power or by a signal from either a smoke detector or
activation of
the Fire Emergency Service in any other manner. See
Article, 1.A.
Separate architectural drawings shall be prepared for the
transport systems. Elevator drawings shall show electrical
services, materials, sizes, details, space conditions, etc., of
hoistway enclosures, pits, cabs, entrances, machine rooms, and
other features. These elevators drawings shall be coordinated
with the other architectural, structural, mechanical and
electrical drawings to insure that proper space conditions and
other requirements have been provided.
The spaces shall be designed so that they will accommodate the
largest equipment of U.S. manufacturers. The transport system
drawings shall be prepared and designed so that no U.S.
manufacturer is prevented from bidding on the work.
Architectural drawings shall show reactions at point of elevator
machine beams, and car and counterweights buffer supports.
Architectural drawings shall show elevator rail bracket spacing
and maximum horizontal and vertical forces on guide rails.
Dumbwaiter hoistway entrance details shall be shown complete with
doors. The top and bottom entrances of shaft equipment shall