area borders. Once the area designations have been set, each area
shall continue that designation through the entire height of the
building. This means that the area designation on each floor must
be coordinated with other floors.
The configuration of the
building may be such that the upper
floors will contain only
Areas "A" and "D", or "A", "C" and "D."
Make an effort, however,
to maintain a continuous area designation
such as "A", "B", "C" on
the upper floors.
Room numbers will start with the number 100 in each area. The
range of room numbers available in each area shall be 100 - 999.
At the point of entry into the area from the elevator lobby, trace
the most likely path of travel throughout the area in general
clockwise direction, assigning the room numbers in alternate
sequence across the corridor. Designate inner rooms by a letter
For rooms along short dead-end corridors or corridors terminated
by an exit, number consecutively down one side of the corridor
toward the dead end and up the other side to the starting point.
system and are not to be included in the general numbering.
Designate stairs as Stair 1, Stair 2, etc. Designate corridors as
C1-2, C3-8, etc. The letter "C" represents the corridor and the
first number represents the floor. The second number indicates
the particular corridor. Number the elevators as Elevator No. P-1
(Passenger), Elevator No. S-1 (Service), etc.
Give separate numbers, as part of the corridor system, to waiting
spaces, nurses' stations, lobbies, vestibules, and other alcoves
open to the corridors.
When a new building joins an existing building, make the new room
numbering consistent with the existing room numbering system used
for the spaces in the existing building.
Provide a safety sign for each VA construction project over
million in cost. For details, see Master Specifications, Section
01010, General Requirements.
Provide a construction sign at the site of VA construction
projects over million in cost. For details, see Master
Specifications, Section 01010, General Requirements.
VA will furnish a dedication plaque and the contractor will
install it. The plaque will be located in the lobby of the
building, and shown on contract drawings. See VA Program Guide
PG-18-4, Standard Detail 50A.
The VA emblem (seal) is to be prominently displayed on all major
buildings. Replicas are available in bronze in three sizes as
shown on Standard Detail No. 50. Incorporate the emblem in the
exterior design near the main entrance so as to be seen by persons
approaching either in vehicles or on foot.