May 19, 2005
a. FM. FM is responsible for:
(1) Providing direction and policy to ensure that:
(a) All new buildings are structurally designed and constructed in compliance with VA
Seismic Design Requirements H-18-8 and the International Building Code.
(b) VA programs are effective in mitigating life-safety hazards of existing buildings and
ensuring that hospitals and other essential facilities remain in operation after an earthquake.
(2) Assisting VISNs and VHA management with the development of specific seismic
upgrade project applications and in prioritizing these projects.
b. VISNs. Each VISN Director is responsible for:
(1) Developing a plan for addressing seismic deficiencies for their buildings.
(2) Developing a mitigation plan for all non-exempt buildings:
(a) To comply with seismic life-safety standards.
(b) Identified as essential (including EHR and HR buildings) to ensure that these buildings
remain in operation after an earthquake.
(3) Formulating plans in coordination with FM to evaluate seismic risk in buildings that are
identified as non-exempt in the FEMA Seismic Inventory Project.
(4) Determining, through the lessor, the seismic risk of leased buildings under their
jurisdiction. If the leased buildings have a seismic risk, the VA medical center must develop a
plan to mitigate these risks within the context of the lease agreement and/or at lease renewal.
NOTE: These plans must be incorporated into each VISN strategic plan.
c. Facility Directors. Facility Directors are responsible for ensuring:
(1) Medical centers in high-risk seismic areas develop contingency plans to conduct post-
earthquake safety evaluation of their buildings. NOTE: These plans must be incorporated into
each medical center strategic plan. The Applied Technology Council (ATC) is a source for
training and learning procedures for conducting these evaluations.
(2) Staff and patients' awareness about the seismic risk of their buildings is increased.
(3) Minor projects involving seismic rehabilitation must have: