VA HANDBOOK 7610 (408)
March 17, 1987
(6) Clean Linen Processing Area ...................................................................................................11.5 x PP + 1200
(Minimum =
362.7 NSM (3900 NSF))
An area for removing linen from the washing equipment, transport of linen, drying
(conditioning or tumbling), ironing, folding, and finishing. The "contaminated"
linen that has been washed is wet-sorted (post-sorted) and is then processed with
the other linen. The linen is moved by carts, overhead monorails, or conveyors.
locate contiguous to the Sorting and Washing Area.
(7) Clean Linen Holding (Flow Rack) and Assembly Area ......................................................... PP + 300
(Minimum =
45.5 NSM (490 NSF))
An area to hold the clean linen in classified lanes and for assembling linen loads
into carts.
(8) Distribution Area (Cart Storage Area, Dispatch Area, Dock Area) .................................. 3 x PP + 230
(Minimum =
55.7 NSM (600 NSF))
An area for the storage, queuing and dispatch of clean linen carts. Dock spaces are
also provided. This area must be contiguous to the Clean Linen Holding and
Assembly Area.
NOTE: On projects where the linen is not delivered by trucks, the number of dock
spaces may need to be reduced. (See para. 6c).
(9) Linen Pack Preparation Room ..................................................................................................11.2 NSM (120 NSF)
A room for the storage of sorted linen needed for pack preparation; the inspection
of linen for holes and tears; and the assembly, storage and dispatch of surgical
lines packs.
For each pack room worker over one, add ............................................................................... 9.3 NSM (100 NSF)
NOTE: If pack preparation is performed in SPD, do not duplicate this space in the
(10) Linen Repair Area .....................................................................................................................11.2 NSM (120 NSF)
An area for maintenance and repair of linens and for the fabrication of linen items.
Sewing machines and hot-patch equipment are usually utilized in this area.
For each worker over one, add ................................................................................................ 9.3 NSM (100 NSF)
c. Medical Center Linen Support Areas
These areas are provided within the medical center for the collection and distribution
of linen (clean, soiled, and uniforms).
(1) Linen Collection Room:
Less than 250 beds ........................................................................ 5.6 NSM ( 60 NSF)
250-700 beds ..................................................................11.2 NSM (120 NSF)
Greater than 700 beds ................................................................16.7 NSM (180 NSF)
Provides an area at the bottom of soiled chutes for the collection of linen and the
loading of carts. If more than one chute is used, the space provided is based on
the number of beds that the chute serves.
(2) Soiled Linen Cart Storage Room - For storage of soiled linen carts prior to
delivering them to the laundry. This area may be combined with the Linen