March 17, 1987
VA HANDBOOK 7610 (408)
b. Production and Support Areas - These criteria utilize a production planning factor
(PP) to simplify calculations:
PP = kg (Annual pounds) of linen divided by 4540 kg
(10,000 lb) per NSM (NSF)
(1) Receiving Area ............................................................................................................................. PP + 730
Provides space for a dock to receive soiled linen transported by trucks, space for
identifying the source (medical centers, other agencies) of the soiled linen, and
space for storing linen carts. This area will be contiguous to the Sorting and
Washing Area.
NOTE: On projects where the linen is not delivery by trucks, the number of d ock
spaces may need to be reduced (see para. 6c).
(2) Sorting and Washing Area ........................................................................................................ 5.8 x PP
(Minimum =
157.9 NSM (1700 NSF)
An area for the weighing and sorting of linen, for the storage of linen carts, and for
the loading of washing equipment. Soiled linen is dumped from carts onto the
sorting conveyor, sorted (classified) and loaded into slings. The slings are lifted to
the overhead monorail and are stored until needed to load the washing equipment.
(3) Linen Storage Room .................................................................................................................... 1.2 x PP
A room for t he storage of linen not directly in production (seasonal items, new
uniforms and linen issues) and space for marking items. Locate near the Soiled
Linen Receiving Area or the Sorting and Washing Area.
(4) Central Liquid Supply System Room .......................................................................................13.9 NSM (150 NSF)
A room for a fully automatic measuring and feeding system to deliver selected
washing and conditioning solutions for each washing cycle. Locate near the
Sorting and Washing Area.
NOTE: When bulk chemical storage tanks are not installed (usually
2.0 million kg, (4.5 million pounds) laundries or smaller, then space
must be provided for chemical storage and mixing.
Chemical Storage and Mixing (Space Required) ................................................................18.6 NSM (200 NSF)
(5) Cart Washer Area .......................................................................................................................14.4 NSM (155 NSF)
An area for sanitizing carts in a prefabricated unit that is installed for "pass-
through" operation from soiled to clean production areas.