VA Directive 7815
April 22, 1998
shall be based on workloads projected to the currently approved year for official VA
workload projections and the application of VA Handbook 7610 (formerly Handbook
08-09, Criteria for VA Facilities) and VA Program Guide 7610 (formerly Handbook H-08-
05, Equipment Guide List).
(4) Charges. Space assignments in Federal buildings will be subject to charges as
provided by Public Law 92-313 and as implemented by the Federal Property
Management Regulation (FPMR). VA assignments in GSA space may be subject to
out-of-pocket expenses as noted in the FPMR Temp D-76.
c. VA Leases
(1) Authorization Process
(a) Strategic
Planning for acquisitions through leasing must be included in the
Strategic Plan.
Any space requests requiring
(b) Real Property Management
Headquarters authorization are processed through the Real Property Management
which is responsible for obtaining concurrence from the Chief Network
Officer (1 ON) and other appropriate officials, to include the Director, Capital Budgeting
and Oversight Service (041 G). Refer to Guidelines and Procedures for Construction
Impact Items, dated May 28, 1986, if construction impact funds are involved.
(2) Contracting Authorities
Field Activities. Upon proper receipt of the facility director's request for
leased space, the contracting officer has authority to negotiate, execute and administer
leases from
occupiable square feet and l-100 parking spaces. The total
lease term, including all renewal options, shall not exceed 10 years, and the annual
rental must be less than 0,000.
(b) Real Property Management
(784). For all other leases, including leases
with terms between 10 and 20 years, the Director, Real Property Management Office
(184) or designee will be the contracting officer. Leasing authority for space in excess
of 10,000 occupiable square feet and for parking spaces in excess of 100 spaces may
be delegated to the contracting officer at a VHA facility by the Director, Real Property
on a case-by-case basis.
Management Office
(c) Required Lease Reviews Prior
Award. For all leases of 10,000 occupiable
square feet or less and/or up to 100 parking spaces, when the annual rental is less than
0,000 and the determination is made that it is not a capital lease (See following
subparagraph (3)(a)), VA Headquarters review of the lease by Director, Lease
Management Service (184B) prior to execution is waived, unless that Director
specifically requires such a review. The Solicitation for Offers, or lease requirements