April 22, 1998
VA Directive 7815
and Deputy Under Secretary for Health
will review and provide a
recommendation regarding such leasing actions originating within VHA. For such
leasing actions originating within the Veterans Benefits Administration, Assistant
Secretary for Management (004) and the appropriate Administrative Head will review
the lease and provide an approval recommendation. Lease proposals previously
approved by the Secretary (00) for inclusion in the Departmental budget require no
further VA approval.
b. GSA Assignments of Space
(1) VBA Requests for Space. Requests for space originating from VBA Regional
Offices shall be prepared using GSA Standard Form (SF)-81, Request for Space. Each
SF-81 must be approved by an Area Director
for confirmation of need and
by the Director, Office of Resource Management (24) for authorization of funding and
acceptable resource allocation, i.e., space utilization rates. Deviations from
approval process can be approved by the Director of the Office of Resource
Management (24). Once approved, the Request for Space package is forwarded to the
Real Property Management Office (184) for action.
(2) VHA Headquarters Requests for Space. The Assistant Secretary for Human
Resources and Administration (006) through the Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Administration (03) is delegated responsibility for acquisition and oversight of all
Headquarters space in the National Capital Region. Requests for Headquarters space
are submitted to the Office of Administration, Space Management Division
review regarding operations and compliance with VA Headquarters and GSA utilization
standards. The request is forwarded in the form of a GSA SF-81 to the Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Administration for approval, then to GSA for execution. With
regard to Congressional notification for prospectus level leases prior to execution (see
4e below), when Space Management Division determines that space exceeds
0,000 annual rent, that office will prepare a white paper and forward an action copy
to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget
whose office will prepare the
notification to Congress, with an information copy to the Real
(3) VHA Requests for Space. VA has authority to lease directly any space needed to
fulfill its medical mission. Instances may arise in which it becomes advantageous to
obtain space through space assignment from GSA. Such requests for space
originating from VHA medical centers, medical and regional office centers or
independent outpatient clinics shall be prepared using GSA SF-81, Request for Space.
The request shall be sent through the
Director to the Real Property Management
Office (184) to be transmitted to GSA for space assignment. VHA space requirements