July 19, 1991
VA HANDBOOK 7610 (821)
Modular Systems
a. Administration
(4) Files, Central Area
(a) File Cabinet, Letter Size .................................................................... 0.7 NSM ( 7 NSF)
0.7 NSM ( 7 NSF)
per cabinet
per cabinet
(b) File Cabinet, Legal Size .................................................................... 0.8 NSM ( 9 NSF)
0.8 NSM ( 9 NSF)
per cabinet
per cabinet
(5) Office, File Clerks ............................................................................... 2.8 NSM ( 30 NSF)
2.8 NSM ( 30 NSF)
(6) Sort and Distribute Unit ..................................................................... 7.4 NSM ( 80 NSF)
6.7 NSM ( 72 NSF)
(One per adjudication unit chief)
each unit chief
each unit chief
(7) Office, Service Organization
Review/Rating Board ............................................................................ 7.4 NSM ( 80 NSF)
6.7 NSM ( 72 NSF)
(8) Office, Rating Specialists .................................................................. 7.4 NSM ( 80 NSF)
6.7 NSM ( 72 NSF)
(9) Office, Computer (Target) Video Display Terminal(s)
and Computer (Target) Printer(s) .................................................... 3.7 NSM ( 40 NSF)
3.7 NSM ( 40 NSF)
each pair
each pair
These areas are separate and distinct from the computer
(target) support room and are used by adjudicators/clerks.
(a) Video Display Terminal only............................................................. 2.3 NSM ( 24 NSF)
2.3 NSM ( 24 NSF)
(b) Printer only ......................................................................................... 2.3 NSM ( 24 NSF)
2.3 NSM ( 24 NSF)
(10) Office, Workstation .......................................................................... 3.7 NSM ( 40 NSF)
3.7 NSM ( 40 NSF)
These ADP workstations are for joint use by employees that
do not have or are not sharing (e.g., located on lazy susan)
ADP equipment at their desks. Therefore, care must be
taken when determining the number of these workstations.
(11) Storage, Forms ................................................................................... 2.3 NSM ( 25 NSF)
2.3 NSM ( 25 NSF)
(12) Photocopy Area ................................................................................... 4.2 NSM ( 45 NSF)
4.2 NSM ( 45 NSF)
5. OPERATING RATIONALE (Basis of Criteria)
These criteria were developed in concert with the Veterans Benefits Administration. They represent an input from the
field program officials and central office personnel. They also represent a distillation of many factors: existing VBA facilities,
correction of space inadequacies, technological innovations, and projected program requirements.
It is recognized that VBA functions, requirements and the physical variations of buildings will cause deviations in
determining the amount of space assigned and its division into private, semiprivate, open areas, or other uses.