April 1, 1987
VA HANDBOOK 7610.703
(6) Boot Wash ................................................................................................ 2.8 NSM ( 30 NSF)
(Provided indoors only in cemeteries where winter climate is too severe to
wash boots outside. Otherwise, provided at exterior entry from service yard
to lockers.)
b. Maintenance and Equipment Facilities
(1) Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance and Storage -
Enclosed (Heated) Facilities
(a) Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Area
(Hydraulic vehicle servicing lifts will be provided on an individual project
1. Routine Maintenance
(Maintenance (oil change, tune-up, lubrication, belt and hose replacement,
etc.) that does not necessitate the removal of a major component of a
a. Up to 15 burials/day .............................................................................44.6 NSM (480 NSF)
b. Over 15 burials/day .............................................................................89.2 NSM ( 960 NSF)
2. Heavy Maintenance
(Maintenance that may necessitate the removal of a major component
(engine, transmission etc.) of a vehicle.
a. 1-6 burials/day ......................................................................................None
b. Over 6 burials/day ................................................................................65.0 NSM ( 700 NSF)
NOTE: Space for this function is not required if the cemetery contracts
out heavy maintenance.
(b) Parts and Tools Storage
1. 1-3 burials/day .......................................................................................31.2 NSM ( 336 NSF)
(Includes Insecticide Storage)
2. 4-6 burials/day .......................................................................................41.8 NSM ( 450 NSF)
(Includes Insecticide Storage)
3. 7-15 burials/day .....................................................................................72.5 NSM ( 780 NSF)
4. Over 15 burials/day ...............................................................................96.3 NSM (1035 NSF)
(c) Insecticide Storage
1. 1-6 burials/day ...................................................................................... Combined in subpara.(b)1 &
2 above
2. Over 6 burials/day ................................................................................. 9.3 NSM ( 100 NSF)
(d) Workshops
1. 1-6 burials/day ....................................................................................... 9.3 NSM ( 100 NSF)