September 18, 1987
VA HANDBOOK 7610 (701)
Work surfaces.
Paper cutter, hole punches, etc.
Wall-mounted or other flat file system for 760 mm by 1077 mm (30" by
42") tackboard
(4) Lunch Area With Kitchen Unit .........................This provides an area shielded from public view where 2-3 staff can
have lunch.
(5) Storage Cemetery
Representatives' Uniforms ..............................This is a secured storage closet/locker for cemetery representatives'
Government issued uniforms (blazers and pants or skirt.)
(6) Housekeeping Aids Closet
c. Multipurpose Room
Task ..........................................................................No personnel stationed at this location.
Informal public and family meetings/ receptions.
Community and veteran organization meetings.
Users ........................................................................Director with staff and/or visitors.
Receptions for dignitaries and other visitors.
Chaplain with large family groups. Director with local veterans
Educational conferences.
Burial parties/families of veterans.
General public.
Community and veteran groups.
Support Service Areas ...........................................Lunchroom
Special Requirements .............................................Comfortable, must convey an image.
If windows are provided, light control will be necessary to the extent
required for projection. Storage for supplies and projection
equipment is required. Food and beverages may be served. May
function as lunchroom.
Will be used for public functions at night.
d. Lobby
Tasks ........................................................................Public reception, waiting, and information for visitors, burial parties and
Users ........................................................................Public visitors.
Burial parties.
Support Service Area