Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria (Chapter 402)
Washington, DC 20420
February 2007
Square Foot (NSF) area to the Department Gross Square Foot (DGSF) area. The
DNTG Departmental Conversion Factor for Educational Facilities is 1.30.
Educational Facilities: A variety of space configurations for employee or trainee
education. These are designed to provide for a variety of training modalities such as
face-to-face conferences, workgroup sessions, demonstrations/simulations, clinical
care with trainees present, satellite broadcasts, V-Tel, single or multiple computer
workstations configured to receive web-based training and CDN (Content Distribution
Network). These will be utilized by administrative and clinical staff and trainees.
G Employee Education System (EES): Programs that provide all or selected employees
timely access to learning opportunities that are designed to integrate into daily work
practices. These programs may be categorized as follows:
Mandatory/Required Training/Education: Training designated by Federal, VA,
VHA, VISN or local facility for all or specified groups of VHA employees.
Competency Based Education: Continuous learning aligned with the
competencies needed for today and tomorrow and offering opportunities for
growth and career development to all employees.
H Fellow: A designated house staff member who has completed the accredited
specialty education in a given field and is following an additional course of training in
a particular subspecialty.
Full-Time Equivalent (FTE): A staffing parameter equal to the amount of time
assigned to one full time employee. It may be composed of several part-time
employees whose total time commitment equals that of a full-time employee. One
FTE equals a 40 hours per week.
Functional Area: The grouping of rooms and spaces based on their function within a
clinical service. Typical Functional Areas are Reception Areas, Patient Areas, Support
Areas, Staff and Administrative Areas, Residency and / or Externship Program Areas.
K House staff (residents): Graduate physicians who are following accredited training
programs leading to competence or specialization in a particular field.
Input Data Statement: A set of questions designed to elicit information about the
healthcare project in order to create a Program for Design (PFD) based on the criteria
parameters set forth in this document. Input Data Statements could be Mission
related, based in the project's Concept of Operations; and Workload or Staffing
related, based on projections and data provided by the VHA or the VISN about the
estimated model of operation. This information is processed through mathematical
and logical operations in SEPS.
M MTOT: Acronym for Maximum Number of Trainees Typically on Duty at one time. The
number being instructed in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical center at
the same time.
N Program for Design (PFD): A space program based on criteria set forth in this
document and specific information about Concept of Operations, workload projections
and staffing levels authorized.
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