VA HANDBOOK 7610 (278)
b. Biomedical Research - Laboratory Area
(1) For space planning purposes, an "investigator" is defined as an individual who meets eligibility requirements and
receives a minimum of ,000 in peer reviewed funding in support of an approved Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
research project.
(2) Ultralow freezer Room space is based on the following planning assumptions:
(a) Using an upright freezer for the planning model.
(b) A 18.6 NSM (200 NSF) room will accommodate eight upright freezers and their liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide
(3) Special instrument space is based on the following planning assumptions:
(a) Confocal Microscope
1. The Bio-Rad Confocal Microscope served as the planning model for the equipment configuration.
2. Allowing 760 mm (30") access space behind the equipment.
(b) Fluorescent Activated Cell Sorter (FACS)
1. The Coulter Dual Laser Cell Sorter served as the planning model for the equipment configuration.
2. Allowing 760 mm (30") access space behind the equipment.
3. Providing a sink and 1525 linear mm (5') of lab bench space.
(c) NMR Spectrometer
1. The Varian Oxford 400 MHz/54 mm NMR spectrometer served as the planning model for the equipment
d. Biomedical Research - Veterinary Medical Unit (VMU)
(1) The methodology using total laboratory unit space for the determination of VMU space requirements if the same as
that used in the criteria approved on January 25, 1977.
(2) This revision to criteria involves a reapportionment of existing space provided for those areas required in all VMUs in
order to provide some degree of flexibility in the application of criteria on an individual project basis. The reapportionment
of space is based on current trends in animal research as it relates to construction. A task force consisting of three
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and four non-VA consultants with expertise in VMU construction, and a survey of 10
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) research facilities by the Chief, Veterinary Medical Officer provided guidance
regarding current trends in animal research. These criteria conform to current American Association for the Accreditation of
Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) standards and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) policy for accreditation. These
criteria must be revised to reflect any future changes in trends or standards for the handling of laboratory animals.
(3) Animal Receiving and Examination Room - The space provided represents the minimum space required. A VMU
with a large dog population may require additional space for bathing new arrivals. The additional space (NSF) required will
be determined on an individual project basis and must be deducted from the maximum animal ward space provided for the
(4) Quarantine Rooms - The space provided represents the minimum space required for the quarantine of random source
animals (dogs, nonhuman primates, etc.). The following factors influence adjustments to the minimum space: