VA HANDBOOK 7610 (278)
This is a separate room wherein contaminated bedding can be removed from cages
inside a portable laminar air flow cabinet in which the aerosolized contaminant is
drawn away from the operator into a HEPA filter.
(b) Infectious Disease Suite
(Applicable only when approved by Research Service)
Construction features in this area should be in conformance with US Department of
Health and Human Services publication "Biosafety in Microbiological and
Biomedical Laboratories". The Biosafety Level (BSL) required depends on the
degree of risk posed by the agent(s) to be studied. The risk level in the Department
of Veterans (VA) facilities is unlikely to exceed BSL 3 and more commonly will be
at BSL 2. The physical arrangement and engineering features of the facility should
be such as to prevent cross-contamination of the different groups animals within the
area. This may be facilitated by utilizing a "clean-dirty" corridor traffic flow and
housing the animals in cubicles within the animal rooms.
All material and cages should be rendered safe by autoclaving in a past-thru
sterilizer before leaving the infectious disease suite.
1. Air Lock (Ante Room) ............................................................................................ 7.0 NSM ( 75 NSF)
(Infectious Disease Suite)
This double door access area provides protective separation from areas of the VMU
that are open to unrestricted traffic flow.
When the "clean-dirty" corridor concept is employed, separate entrance/exit air
locks must be provided.
2. Animal Room (Cubicle Housing) ........................................................................... 29.3 NSM (315 NSF)
(Infectious Disease Suite)
The space provided will accommodate four 1220 mm x 1830 mm (4' x 6') cubicles
and 2130 mm (7') aisle.
NOTE: Additional space must be justified on an individual project basis or it must
be deducted from total animal room space. See subparagraph (3)(e)1.
3. Procedural Laboratory .......................................................................................... 18.6 NSM (200 NSF)
(Infectious Disease Suite)
This laboratory will primarily accommodate the preparation and administration of
infectious agents to animal subjects.
4. Clothes Changing Room ........................................................................................ 7.0 NSM ( 75 NSF)
(Infectious Disease Suite)
These facilities should be arranged so personnel exit through the shower area into
the changing room.
NOTE: Provisions for clothes changing are needed only when the agent(s) to be
studied is/are classified at the BSL level 3 or higher.
5. Shower Room .......................................................................................................... 2.3 NSM ( 25 NSF)
(Infectious Disease Suite)