Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria 7610-(270)
Washington, DC 20420
September 2006
Work Station
Incentive Therapy Program (ITP)
Work Station
Work Evaluation Program (WEP)
Treatment Station
Driver Training
The number of annual clinic stops per patient area will be used as a criteria parameter to
calculate the number of Exam / Treatment Stations in the Space Criteria section of this
PROGRAM DATA REQUIRED (Input Data Questions)
Mission Input Data Statements
1. Is a Physical Therapy (PT): Hubbard Tank authorized? (M)
2. Is a Physical Therapy (PT): Whirlpool authorized? (M)
3. Is a Vocational Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT)-formalized rehabilitation treatment
program addressing the needs of special emphasis groups-and / or other
specially designated programs authorized? (M)
4. Is Education Therapy (ET) authorized? (M)
5. Is a Driver Training Center (DTC) authorized? (M)
6. Is Compensated Work Therapy (CWT) authorized? (M)
7. Is Incentive Therapy Program (ITP) authorized? (M)
8. Is a Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Center authorized? (M)
9. Is a Work Evaluation Program authorized? (M)
10. Is a Chiropractic Care Program (CC) authorized?(M)
B 11. Is Standard Furniture authorized? (M)
Workload Input Data Statements
1. How many annual Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service clinic stops are
projected? (W)
2. How many annual PT: Treatment Station clinic stops are projected? (W)
3. How many annual PT: Hubbard Tank Full Immersion clinic stops are projected?
4. How many annual PT: Hubbard Tank Partial Immersion clinic stops are
projected? (W)
5. How many annual PT: Whirlpool clinic stops are projected? (W)
6. How many annual KT: Treatment Station clinic stops are projected? (W)
7. How many annual KT: Psychiatric Treatment Station clinic stops are projected?
8. How many annual OT: Treatment Station clinic stops are projected? (W)
9. How many annual ET: Learning Station clinic stops are projected? (W)
10. How many annual VRT: Work Station clinic stops are projected? (W)
11. How many annual CWT: Work Station clinic stops are projected? (W)
12. How many annual Electromyographies (EMGs) are projected? (W)
13. How many Therapeutic Pool patient hours / day are projected? (W)
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service (Chapter 270): Page 270-6 of 24