Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria (Chapter 230)
Washington, DC 20420
February 2007
Storage Area (SRE01) .................................................... 250 NSF (23.3 NSM)
Provide one per Shop Area if less than four total Shop Area Technical FTE
positions are authorized for Engineering Service.
Flammable Storage Area (XXYYZ) .................................. 100 NSF (9.3 NSM)
Provide one if less than four Technical Paint Shop FTE positions are
11. Housekeeping Aids Closet-HAC (XXYYZ) .............................. 40 NSF (3.8 NSM)
Provide one for every two Engineering Shops.
F. Lockers, Lounges, Toilets
The spaces below provide programming of Lounge, Lockers, and Toilets at
department/service/chapter level. Alternatively, sum all departments/services data for
Lockers, Lounges and Toilets, and program space in Chapter 410-EMS Lockers,
Lounges, Toilets and Showers. Either/or do not duplicate space.
1. Lounge, Staff (XXXXX) ........................................................ 160 NSF (14.9 NSM)
Minimum NSF or 15 NSF per each FTE position authorized, whichever is greater.
2. Locker Room, Staff (XXXXX)................................................... 80 NSF (7.5 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide an additional 6 NSF per Technician FTE position
authorized greater than thirteen.
3. Toilet, Staff (XXXXX)................................................................ 50 NSF (4.7 NSM)
Divide the total FTE positions authorized by 15. Provide one toilet for each whole
increment. Minimum of 5 authorized FTE positions to provide a toilet.
A. Departmental Net-to-Gross factor (DNTG) for Engineering Service is 1.30. This
number when multiplied by the programmed Net Square Foot (NSF) area, determines
the Departmental Gross Square Feet (DGSF).
B. Administrative offices should be located in proximity to the main hospital
administration complex. (different floors are acceptable).
C. Shop areas should be located adjacent to the loading dock and accessible to interior
transport system. If not adjacent to the dock then a double exterior opening door
should be considered. Access is needed to move lengths of pipe and large sheets
plywood and sheetrock.
D. The engineering control room (ECC) shall be totally enclosed, air conditioned, and
designed acoustically to provide an ambient noise level of not more than 50 Decibels.
The control room shall be located so that visual surveillance of both the water chilling
equipment and boiler plant equipment can be maintained. If this is not feasible, then
the control room shall be located to provide visual surveillance of the water chilling
equipment (or as recommended by the Engineering Officer)
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