Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria (Chapter 230)
Washington, DC 20420
February 2007
5. Office, Project Engineer (OFA01/ OFA02) .......................... 120 NSF (11.2 NSM)
Provide one per Project Engineer FTE position authorized. Provide OFA02 if
Systems Furniture is authorized.
6. Cubicle, Clerk (OFA03) ............................................................64 NSF (5.9 NSM)
Provide one per Clerical, Technical, Driver Dispatch, Shop Supervisor, and
Trainee FTE positions authorized.
7. Conference Room (CONF1) ................................................. 300 NSF (27.9 NSM)
Provide one if a separate building for Engineering Service is authorized.
8. Hospital Plans and Drafting Room (XXYYZ)....................... 200 NSF (18.6 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide one per Engineering Service and an additional 85 NSF
for each Draftsman FTE position and Engineering Technician FTE position
This room provides space for one Draftsman, plan storage, layout table,
Computer workstation and Plotter / Printer.
9. Interior Design Office / Library / Workroom (XXYYZ) ....... 250 NSF (23.2 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide one per Engineering Service
C. Engineering Control Center
1. Engineering Control Center (XXYYZ) ................................. 300 NSF (27.9 NSM)
Provide one per Engineering Service.
This area houses the computer and control system that controls and monitors the
HVAC system, emergency generators, and selected systems and equipment. H-
08-3, the Department of Veterans Affairs Construction Standard 688-1,
"Engineering Control Center" applies. If toilet facilities (Water closet and
Lavatory: (50 NSF) are not conveniently available then the toilet facility will be
included in the 300 NSF.
D. Biomedical Engineering Repair Shop
1. Office, Biomedical Engineer (OFA01) ................................. 120 NSF (11.2 NSM)
Provide one per Engineering Service.
This office contains technical manuals for instrumentation and manufacturer's
equipment catalogs.
2. Receiving and Cleaning (XXYYZ)..........................................100 NSF (9.3 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide one per Engineering Service. Provide an additional 25
NSF per technical FTE position authorized.
This area provides space where equipment can be broken down and cleaned,
and where new medical equipment can be inspected.
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