Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria (Chapter 204)
Washington, DC 20420
February 2007
B. Audiology Patient Areas
1. Therapy / Office, Audiologist (XXXXX) ................................ 120NSF (11.2 NSM)
Provide one per Audiologist FTE position authorized.
Offices are used by staff audiologists to provide one-on-one therapy, conduct
patient interviews, complete case histories, plan and coordinate care, review
patient health records, write reports and process health record information,
maintain telephone contacts and counsel patients and families.
2. Audiology Health Technician (XXXXX) ............................... 120 NSF (11.2 NSM)
Provide one per Health Technician FTE authorized.
This space provides for patient examination as well as office space for the
Audiology Health Technician.
3. Suite, Audiometric Examination (XXXXX) ......................... 260 NSF (24.2 NSM)
Provide min one if one Audiologist FTE position is authorized. Provide one
additional for each whole increment of 1400 Audiology Clinic stops over 1400.
Larger sound suites may be provided if authorized.
4. Booth, Audiometric Examination (XXXXX).......................... 130 NSF(12.1 NSM)
If in Concept of Operations Provide one per each whole increment of 1400 annual
projected Audiology Clinic stops. (See Table 1)
A suite consists of an examination room and a control room. A booth consists of
an examination room only. Prefabricated sound suites / booths are used for
audiometric examinations, acoustic immittance tests, otoacoustic emission tests,
hearing aid fitting and modification, and for research activities that require a highly
controlled acoustic and electromagnetically shielded environment.
When compensation and pension exams will be performed, audiometric suites
must be provided. Booths will be provided only when design limitations preclude
installation of suites. Special attention must be given to the privacy, acoustic, and
electromagnetic radiation environments in which sound suites/booths will be
located. See "Booth Audiometric Examination Specifications" (IB 11-87) for
technical specifications for audiometric sound rooms.
5. Programming / Fitting (XXXXX)........................................... 120 NSF (11.2 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide an additional 40 NSF if the annual projected number of
Audiology Clinic stops is greater than 1400.
This room accommodates the special equipment used to program and fit digital
hearing aids and bioelectric implants.
6. Auditory Rehabilitation (XXXXX)......................................... 240 NSF (14.0 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide an additional 40 NSF if the annual projected number of
Audiology Clinic stops is greater than 1400.
Audiology and Speech Pathology (Chapter 204): Page 204-7 of 14