Department Of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria (Chapter 110)
Washington, DC 20420
December 2006
2. Is office space for Social Workers assigned to Mental Health and Behavioral Patient
Care Unit provided in Social Work Service? (M)
3. Is office space for Dietitians assigned to Mental Health and Behavioral Patient Care
Unit provided in Nutrition and Food Service? (M)
4. Is office space for Nursing Supervisor assigned to Mental Health and Behavioral
Patient Care Unit provided in the Nursing Administration area? (M)
A. Reception Areas
1. Waiting (WRC01) ................................................................... 100 NSF ( 9.3 NSM)
Provide one per each Mental Health and Behavioral Patient Care Unit and if in
Concept of Operations.
Waiting should be connected to the patient entrance corridor and be under visual
control of the Nurse Station.
2. Interview Room (OFDC2) ...................................................... 120 NSF (11.2 NSM)
Provide two per each Mental Health and Behavioral Patient Care Unit.
Interview Rooms may be also used as Visitation Rooms.
3. Toilet, Public (TLTU1) ............................................................... 50 NSF (4.7 NSM)
Provide one for male and one for female per each Mental Health and Behavioral
Patient Care Unit.
B. Patient Areas
1. Patient Room, One-Bed (BRNP1)......................................... 125 NSF (11.7 NSM)
Provide one per each One-Bed Patient Room authorized. One bed patient rooms
shall not exceed 50% of total beds.
2. Patient Room, One-Bed, Bariatric (BRNP1) ....................... 180 NSF (16.7 NSM)
Provide one per each One-Bed Bariatric Patient Room authorized.
3. Patient Bathroom, Bariatric (TLTP3) ..................................... 75 NSF ( 7.0 NSM)
Provide one per each One-Bed Bariatric Patient Room authorized.
4. Patient Room, Two-Bed (BRNP2) ....................................... 230 NSF (21.4 NSM)
Provide one per each Two-Bed Patient Room authorized. Two bed rooms shall
incorporate not less than 50% of total beds.
5. Bathroom, Patient (TLTP3) ....................................................... 65 NSF ( 6.0NSM)
Provide one per each One-Bed and Two-Bed Patient Rooms authorized.
6. Isolation Room (BRNP5) ........................................................... 80 NSF (7.5 NSM)
Provide one per each Mental Health and Behavioral Patient Care Unit.
This room requires a restraint bed for the patient and direct supervision by staff.
Mental Health and Behavioral Patient Care Units (Chapter 110): Page 110-5 of 13