26 February 1993
isolated from public view. In ideal situations, the dock should be
the single corridor system and the dual corridor system.
destined for other areas within the medical center. Waste from
The 7 foot wide single corridor system is commonly used for
other hospital areas must not pass through the VMU. Equally
smaller facilities and is the style usually adopted in VA animal
unacceptable is transport of animals and supplies through other
facilities. Dual corridors are generally avoided in small to medium
hospital areas during transportation to or from a dock.
size facilities due to the space required by corridors in facilities
with this design. The main advantage of the single corridor
design is efficient use of space. The disadvantages of the single
Animal facilities should be confined to a single floor at grade
corridor are:
level. If a multilevel design or location above or below ground is
Personnel, animals, cages, equipment, and supplies move in
unavoidable, separate dedicated elevators for clean and soiled
both directions, possibly leading to disruption of traffic flow;
material located in a single bay are desirable in a dual corridor
Contact between clean and dirty materials may result in cross
system. The elevator used for transporting clean materials
should be located near the clean side of the cage wash area
The VA design standard is the single corridor system with the
while the elevator used for transporting soiled material should be
appropriate contamination barriers to insure an effective facility.
in close proximity to the soiled side.
The dual corridor system's main advantage is a reduction of
contamination of clean equipment. The primary disadvantage of
the dual corridor system is that additional circulation space is
Appropriate relationships and adjacencies are essential to
required for the same amount of functional net space. This factor
permit a smooth flow of personnel, equipment, supplies, and
is particularly significant in smaller facilities.
animals and to provide a setting conducive to sound animal
husbandry practices. Refer to Section 3, Room Relationship
Diagrams for examples of suggested room relationships,
Animals and supplies should be delivered to a dedicated
recognizing however, that the needs of individual programs may
"clean" receiving dock. From the dock, animals are usually
dictate deviations from the diagrams.
transported to a receiving and examination room.
Administrative offices are best located near the VMU
examination, small animals are transferred from shipping
entrance used by personnel (internal entrance if connected to the
containers to clean cages and taken either to a quarantine room
hospital). This places the VMU supervisor and veterinarian in a
or to an animal room equipped with a containment housing
position to observe the movement of personnel and equipment
system. If dogs are used, the receiving and examination room
into and out of the VMU. From this location, visitors may have
may provide facilities for bathing. Following initial examination,
access to the administrative area without entering the animal
large animals should be placed in a nearby quarantine room,
housing and service areas. The lounge used by the VMU staff
unless they have undergone quarantine elsewhere.
should also be located in this vicinity. The lounge used by the
VMU staff should also be located in this vicinity.
The surgical suite should be located away from high traffic
The necropsy room, carcass storage room, and incinerator
corridors and potential sources of contamination such as the
room should be readily accessible to the "soiled dock" area.
entrance to the cage sanitation area, necropsy and waste
Separate clean and soiled docks are desirable, and should be
VA Design Guide -- Veterinary Medical Unit
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