Storage Space: All storage space will be classified under the three subsets of general
storage, inside parking, or warehouse.
General Storage Areas (ST-1): Storage in general purpose buildings
generally consisting of unfinished floors, walls, ceilings, and adequate HVAC
and lighting.
Samples include:
Supply rooms (not finished to office standards).
Storerooms (not finished to office standards).
File rooms (not finished to office standards).
Inside Parking (ST-2): Examples include the following:
Parking areas (including rooftops and decks).
Motor pool parking.
Warehouse (ST-3): Space specifically designed for materials storage and
handling operations consisting of features which include, but are not limited to,
concrete or wood block floors, unfinished ceiling, heavy live floor load capacity
(over 200 pounds psf), high ceiling (over 14 feet), and industrial lighting. This
classification may apply to entire buildings with warehouse features, including
minor amounts of supporting office space.
Support Space: Specific and discrete areas constructed as office space but used to
meet normal administrative support needs other than workstations, such as public-
oriented or centralized reception, hearing or meeting facilities, service, inspection,
distribution, storage or processing activities, copiers, conference rooms, file areas, etc.
The utilization rate no longer includes such space, although the threshold for further
review of such space is 22% of primary space.
Systems Furniture: A type of furniture with manufactured components which fit
together, much like an erector set. It is a type of modular furniture which has great
flexibility and ease of adjustment to suit different tasks and body sizes.
Turnkey: When a single contractor is hired to provide all relocation services ranging
from architectural design through construction and move-in.
UFAS: The Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards, which define the requirements for
accessibility to Government-controlled facilities by disabled persons.
UPS: Uninterruptible power supply. A set of large batteries and associated equipment
which provide continuous electrical power, preventing power loss to computer systems,
hospital respirators, and other appliances dependent on absolute continuity of service.
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VBA Design Guide