Case History - Enhanced Use
The Big Event - The Move
Whether you decide to undertake a flash move or a phased move, a move
requires months of planning to ensure that there is no disruption of service
provided to our veteran population. Again, by preparing a milestone chart you
will be able to capture and track every facet of what needs to be done. In
Houston, a color-coded numbering system was used which allowed for the move
of over 500 personnel, two enormous file banks (Adjudication and Loan
Guaranty), and a Sector platform ADP LAN system with no down-time in the
service provided to our veterans. Spotters were identified early in the process
and meetings were conducted to review the movement of files, boxes, furniture,
ADP-related equipment, leased-equipment, computer room equipment, forms
and shelving. Special consideration should be given to the overall scheduling of
the move, i.e., hours, points of entry, use of elevators/stairwells, truck access,
loading dock availability, etc.
Prepared by Brenda Shelton
Project Director, VARO Houston
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VBA Design Guide