A. The Engineer shall affix his seal to this check list and make delivery in accordance-with Part I. General.
B. Check each item of the check list as completed. Some items may not be applicable. In those cases,
request in writinq a waiver of these items that are not already checked to the Contracting Officer. Attach
correspondence for such waivers to this completed check list.
C. Clear, as necessary, the lines of sight. Fell trees under 150 mm (6") caliper, as necessary, where they
obstruct vision within the sight line. Do not disturb any plant material within the developed lawn area. Brush
and dead-fall may require removal to insure accuracy. The Resident Engineer or VAMC Chief Engineer on
duty will determine where debris from such clearing is to be wasted on the property.
D. Install permanent bench mark in area indicated on sketch, if provided. Bench mark monuments of
100 mm (4") minimum round concrete should extend below the frost line with 10 mm x 75 mm (3/8" x 3")
minimum copper pin in the center. Install plumb 100 mm (4") above finished grade. Indicate top elevation.
E. Check List Items:
1. Property/boundary lines, length and bearing of each straight line, interior angles,
radii, points of tangency, and length of each curved line
2. Zoning/building setbacks, leases, and easements
3. Location of all existing buildings and structures. Dimension perimeters in meters
(feet) and decimals to .015 m (.05'). Show bearings and dimensions to centerline of
adjacent roads. Show distance and offset between each building.
4. Elevations at each entrance to buildings, service docks, building corners, steps,
ramps, and grade slabs
5. Finish floor elevations of first floor, basement, and sub-basement for all buildings
6. Location, alignment, and dimension of all roads, curbs, walks, parking, and paved
areas. Indicate road centerlines with true bearings and lengths by 15 m (50') stationing.
Describe curves by designating the points of curvature and tangency by station.
Include all curve data as well as location of radius and vertex points. Designate roads
with curbs by double lines. Show equalities for intersecting roads by station.
7. Typical section and dimension through existing roads, curbs, and walks
8. Crown, grade, and climb of curb at road crossings contours
9. Elevations on 15 m (50') centers on centerline of roads, edges of roads, and top and
bottom of curbs
10. Jurisdiction and type of pavement of all highways, streets, roads, and alleys on or
adjacent to property and known proposed improvements (street widening)
11. Location, dimension and elevation of backfilled areas, excavations, rock
outcropping, etc.
November 1, 1996