be exam/treatment rooms and/or special procedures rooms that are designated for use with S/KI TB
patients. These rooms should meet CDC guidance for S/KI TB with the additional requirement that a
minimum of 12 air changes per hour must be exhausted (See IV.A.2). These rooms would normally be
located in or near the walk-in clinic module.
J. High Risk Areas
1. Potential Aerosol Producing Procedure Areas:
a. The pulmonary function laboratory (including spirometry and exercise rooms),
bronchoscopy area(s), pulmonary function treatment rooms, and sputum induction areas and any other
special procedure room (e.g., ENT) in which cough inducing procedures are done on patients who may
have infectious TB must meet CDC guidelines for S/KI TB with the additional requirement that a minimum
of 12 air changes per hour must be exhausted. Additionally, airflow rates should be calculated on expected
patient turnover in these treatment areas based on the most recent CDC guidance.
b. Any room (e.g. examination/treatment room, procedure room) in the health care
facility in which aerosolized pentamidine (AP) procedures are performed on patients who may have
infectious TB must meet CDC guidelines for infectious TB with the additional requirement that a
minimum of 12 air changes per hour must be exhausted (See IV. A.2). Additionally, airflow rates should
be calculated on expected patient turnover in these treatment areas based on the most recent CDC
guidance. If a booth or other containment entity is used for any potential aerosol producing procedure,
booth airfiow and exhaust should meet CDC guidelines.
K. Radiology
At least one radiology room with chest x-ray capabilities should meet CDC guidance for S/KI TB. Both
ambulatory care and in-patient programs can share this negative pressure radiology room if feasible. This
specialized room with these engineering controls may not be necessary in facilities in the minimal risk
L. Anatomic Pathology:
The morgue must meet at a minimum CDC guidance for infectious TB and follow current VA criteria
with a minimum of 12 air changes per hour with 100% exhaust to the outside through a HEPA filter.
M. Dental
At referral centers and at facilities in which emergency dental care is provided, at least one dental
operatory should meet CDC guidance for SIKI TB. Other health care facilities may send S/KI TB patients
for dental care to referral centers based on workload and travel distance