B. Record keeping
1. Record keeping is critical for the long term needs of the employee, station, and regulatory
2. Record keeping to comply with VHA directives, manuals, and valid regulatory agencies'
C. Return to work clearance for health care workers with S/KI TB
1. At a minimum, return to work clearance should follow current CDC guidelines
2. Employees must be monitored for lack of infectiousness
D. Healthcare Worker TST Conversions
The facility must track and evaluate TST conversions in order to document possible episodes of
transmission of tuberculosis in the healthcare setting, to define the facility risk assessment category and to
identify facility TST conversion rates.
IX. Coordination with Health Department
It is critical that VA facilities coordinate all phases of tuberculosis control with appropriate health
department authorities. Prompt reporting to public health authorities is a critical component of TB
control. It is most critical that the discharge planning for individual patients be done in close alignment
with community health officials.
X. Child Day Care
For facilities with child day care facilities state and local guidelines regarding tuberculosis screening
and/or tuberculosis control programs should be followed.
XI. References
1. VHA Directive 10-93 -094, Supplement No. 1. TB (Tuberculosis) Control Responsibilities of
VA (Department of Veterans Affairs) Facilities. July 25, 1994.
2. VHA Directive 10-94-104. Administration of Aerosolized
Immunodeficiency (HIV) Positive Patients. October 17, 1994.
3. MP-5, Part I, Chapter 792, Change 7, Health Services. June 30, 1990.
4. M-1, Pan III, Chapter 4. S rvices and Benefits Available to Volunteers. October 24, 1934.
5. M-2, Part I, Chapter 23, Change 1, Formed Consent. February 21, 1991.
6. M-1, Part 1, Chapter 9, Release of Medical Information. November 30, 1990.
7. 5 United States Code, Section 552A, Privacy Act.