Exterior Signs
Internally illuminated signs should have
The type of exterior sign and sign
the electrical supply coordinated and
system being selected for a particular
voltage confirmed before the sign is
application or facility may require
ordered and fabricated. Illuminated
several decisions and involve different
signs should contain a "UL" sicker
construction and assembly components
that their construction conforms to
to meet the desired requirements.
UL Standard 48. Text for illuminated
This section provides an overview of
signs should also be confirmed and
the intended criteria for exterior sign
finalized before the sign is ordered and
fabricated. Revisions after construction
are expensive and time consuming.
The details, showing the construction
of the monument signs, post and
Community reaction should be taken
panel signs, wall mounted signs and
into account before large "Skyline
the stacking bar signs are based on
letters and logo" are installed on a
a concept of an aluminum extrusion
medical center. Various communities
component system. Many extruders
have standards that may not permit
and sign manufacturers currently
these types of signs and installing
market extrusions and component
them could create a local controversy.
sign systems that will accomplish the
Also, when large letters are planned for
illustrated objectives of the intended
a building, coordination should take
exterior sign system. These extruded,
place to insure issues of building skin
molded and fabricated component sign
integrity, structural loads, installation,
systems are acceptable so long as the
and maintenance access are evaluated.
illustrated and stated specifications
are adhered to. Once a particular
Monument signs larger than those
manufacturer's system is selected for
shown in the Guide may also create
the sign program, ongoing maintenance
local community reaction. Check with
and replacement signs will need to
the Planning Department of your local
come from that same component
City or County to see if they have a sign
ordinance that may have guidelines
for the type of sign being proposed.
The illustrations are intended to show
Federal facilities are not required to
the desired configuration and intent of
obtain local sign permits, but respecting
the various sign types. Sections of the
the local ordinances will prevent
possible controversy.
and have not been engineered or
configured for extruding and do not
The Exterior Sign Specification 10430
represent a finished form or a particular
in the VA Technical Information Library
manufacturer. Many manufacturers'
should be read in conjunction with this
Construction Details section. This will
illustrated objectives of the intended
provide an overview of the exterior sign
exterior sign system.
construction requirements, materials
Variations such as beveled and radius
shapes in the sign cabinet and sign face
Particular care should be taken to insure
frame are forms that do not conform
that sign footings and foundations are
with the sign program.
correctly matched to the type of sign
being installed.
Variation in shape and form for posts
is an option that is available to allow
a custom look for a medical center
campus. Once a post shape is selected,
it should become the standard for the
entire campus. Different shapes being
used on the same campus will create a
disorganized appearance to the exterior
sign program.
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