Spinal Cord Injury Center Design Guide
July 1990 (Rev. Jan. 2004)
Spinal Cord Injury Center
Functional Grouping
Figure I-1
In new hospital construction the SCIC shall be located at ground level with access to the
main elevators. In existing hospitals every effort must be made to locate the SCIC on
the ground level. Alternate locations must be approved by the Chief Medical Director.
In all cases SCI patients must have direct, level and enclosed access to all major
medical facilities.
In relating to the rest of the Medical Center, the SCIC should have close proximity to
Rehabilitation Medicine, Prosthetics Service, Dietetics Service, Supply Service and
Building Management Service. There should be no proximity between the SCIC and
Psychiatric patients.
Whatever the number of Nursing Units programmed they will share Support and Clinic
space. The only exception to this is the case of a remote Long Term Nursing Unit
where duplication of an RMS and Clinic Space should be required.
Office of Facilities Management