Final Draft 12-31-95
Revised May 1997
Functional Considerations
Functional Space Relationships
Coordinate Locations of depressed slabs /
Work Flow
structure for raceways and access flooring as
Provide convenient Outpatient access with singular
point of control for inpatients and outpatients.
Radiographic shielding.
The patient process flows from registration and
Evaluate need for computer access flooring in
waiting / holding, to gowning and patient prep
digital imaging areas on a project basis.
where required, to procedure rooms and back to
waiting for release from the service.
Organize to minimize radiographic shielding.
A functional plan accommodates patient flow with a
Location / External Relationships
minimum of staff direction.
Patient Access / Wayfinding
Organizational Concepts
Radiology Facilities should be located accessible to
Functional Layering
parking and ambulatory care areas since it
provides outpatient diagnostic procedures.
Reception is located to control access to the
patient areas and to secure the department from
Location with other diagnostic facilities assists in
unauthorized access
wayfinding and coordination of patient services.
Patient records are also usually received here and
Inpatient access is required if dedicated outpatient
work orders initiated and distributed from this area.
and inpatient facilities are not justified
Patient areas are consolidated to control patient
access and to maintain patient privacy, security,
Immediate access from emergency is required if
and dignity.
dedicated radiographic facilities are not available
within the Emergency Department.
located up front.
Functional Adjacencies
Staff Support Areas which deal with film work,
The Radiology Department requires a location
image manipulation and quality control are
convenient to the inpatient hospital service core(s)
consolidated in a staff work core to assure image
and to outpatient clinical service areas.
quality, staff efficacy, and patient record security
and privacy.
Consider the high level of both inpatient and
outpatient traffic at peak service hours in
determining the location of this department
interpretation, and consultation are accessible to
Service Access
Consultation and interpretation areas are not
General facility service access is adequate.
accessed by patients and are to provide private
staff work areas.
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