Technical Considerations
Public Address:
Pulmonary Medicine will not have an
independent public address (PA) system.
The department will be included as part of the
hospital-wide PA system.
Speakers are
Telephone outlets are typically provided
typically located in corridors and public
at each workstation or in each room. Desk
spaces. The actual system configuration will
outlets are 450 mm (18") AFF and wall phone
depend on the overall design layout and on
outlets are 1200 mm (48") AFF.
the functional requirements.
Certain modular casework units are
As previously noted in sleep study areas,
provided with a utility access module that
intercoms should be able to switch to "off" in
houses communication outlets and provides a
sleep rooms and to adjust the volume in
chase for cabling. Conduits and junction
diagnostic rooms, so as not to disturb patients
boxes are provided to connect to the utility
during studies.
access module for telephone service.
Waste Management:
Automatic Data Processing
ADP (computer) outlets are typically
Medical Waste:
provided at each workstation with a personal
Medical waste is generated in exam and
computer (PC) and/or printer. Desk outlets
treatment spaces and in soiled equipment
are 450 mm (18") AFF.
work areas. It is then bagged, collected, and
Certain modular casework units are
transported to the soiled utility rooms where it
provided with a utility access module that
is held in separate containers pending
houses communication outlets and provides a
transport to the medical waste handling
chase for cabling. Conduits and junction
boxes are provided to connect to the utility
access module for ADP service.
General Waste:
Survey of the site may indicate that
consideration should be given to include data
General Waste is generated in all spaces
lines for modem output to interface with the
and is held in containers for collection and
file servers that may belong to local
sorting into carts, or it is bagged and placed
universities, libraries, or that access the
in a waste chute and is then transported to
the waste handling facility.
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